The majority of Canadians waste their extended benefits coverage.

Hey, here’s a start! 

Have you used up all your 2021 extended benefits?

Did you know Naturopathic doctors are often covered under most insurance providers?

The majority of Canadians have health benefits covering naturopathic medicine, although many don’t realize they have coverage, or how much. 

Group or extended health plans (EHPs) are among the most common non-wage benefits offered to employees. Coverage for naturopathic doctors (or NDs) is usually part of the Extended Health Insurance portion of the EHP. Coverage is, commonly, between $300 and $500 in a calendar year. Coverage typically includes appointments/visits to an ND, therapies and in some cases, laboratory tests ordered by your ND.

At minimum, your $300 of coverage can account for your 1hr new patient consult and at least 1-2 follow-up visits!

The end of the year is fast approaching so be sure to use up your benefits before they lapse.

Start focusing on your health now rather than waiting for January 1st. 

Are you curious about how a naturopathic doctor can help you achieve your health goals? 

Wanting to move forward with your health, but don’t know where to start? 

Curious about what conditions we can treat? 

Book a FREE Meet & Greet with our Naturopathic Doctors at EvokeLife at The Pomme Clinic! Can’t wait to see you!


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