Let’s clean up your supplements

Confused or unsure about how to pick your supplements?

Choosing supplements is confusing and overwhelming.

Let us help you with our Supplement Cleanup program, designed for everyone who’s ever wondered how to ensure the best quality, cost-effectiveness, safety, and effectiveness of their supplements, nutraceuticals and herbal medicines.

Did you know that Naturopathic Doctors are the online licensed and regulated healthcare profession with the training to evaluate the safety, efficacy, interactions and dangers of combining therapeutic supplement doses with diet, and medications?

Put our expertise to work.

  • Intake package and forms must be completed prior to your visit including all your current medications, health concerns, supplements and herbal medicines.

  • 25min session with one of our Naturopathic Doctors and/or Naturopathic Externs.

  • Advice on, and access to vetted supplement, nutraceutical and herbal products sold at Pomme Natural Market. You’ll receive a detailed supplement plan and understanding of what to expect, based on your unique concerns and context.


  • Due to demand and limited availability, we are currently waitlisting for this program - Please join our waitlist and we will contact you with our soonest appointment!